Should you write a COVID essay for PA school applications?
CASPA had space to write about how the pandemic has affected you as an application whether it's academically, professionally or personally for the 2020-2021 application cycle and will have space for the 2021-2022 cycle as well.
The short answer is yes, definitely write the essay. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS ANY CHANCE OF COMMUNICATION WITH SCHOOLS, USE EVERY SPACE YOU HAVE. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has brought challenges to everyone’s lives in one way or another. The schools want to hear from you on your specific situation. Taking GRE at home and not having the same environment isn’t as strong of a reason of how COVID impacted you. Definitely allow yourself to be vulnerable and answer how COVID affected you in different aspects.
Discuss how the situation has made you more likely to become a PA because of the malleable ability between specialties. There was a shortage in the ER when the pandemic started, you could have very well been that PA in the ER who was fortunate to be trained in time of need by being a PA. There were also changes to the role of a PA: being able to telework, not having to be in agreement with one supervising physician (allowing PAs to travel and work where there is a shortage), being able to work in skilled nursing facilities with alternating schedules with physicians etc. List goes on and on… Be sure to mention the beauty of the profession you saw and the power of advocacy and the change it can bring about.
Personally, I volunteered in my community with unhoused population and as a food delivery driver through an app. You can definitely highlight how you impacted your community during these times or even if you cared for someone. Not only does this show that you step up in the community when needed, but it also shows how you keep going towards your goal of becoming a PA.
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Please describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to becoming a Physician Assistant. The questions below will help you get started, but do not limit your responses to only these considerations
Academic: Did your school move to an online-only curriculum? Were you able to interact with your professors? Did you have to leave an academic program stateside or abroad? Did your school require you to move to the Pass/Fail grading system? Did your original GRE exam get canceled or delayed? Were there Other academic barriers?
Professional: Did you hold a job? Did you have to go out and seek new job opportunities? Did you lose a job? Were there other financial or professional barriers that you faced?
Personal: Did you have to move out of a house or dorm? Did you have to cancel travel plans? Did you modify your planned experiences related to healthcare or volunteer opportunities? Did you seek out volunteer opportunities that arose from the crisis?